• SUAM Marche – support in the operational activities of the contracting entity

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SUAM Marche – support in the operational activities of the contracting entity

The establishment of SUAM, the central purchasing body of Regione Marche, was intended to bring about a change in the purchasing system of works, goods and services needed by Marche region’s P.A.s. This trasformation was meant not only from the point of view of reducing and rationalizing expenditure, but also in relation to the simplification and to the innovation of the modalities of supplying on both the organisational and technical sides.

The objectives that SUAM Marche intends to achieve in the coming years are the following:

  • to increase the impact of SUAM’s activity on the goods and services expenditures of local government, aiming to produce economies of scale, scope and expenditure savings;
  • to realize an effective synergy with the territorial Administrations in order to satisfy in a better way and promptly the requirements of purchase and to guarantee quality and sustainability of the purchased goods and services;
  • simplify and innovate purchasing procedures, producing organizational efficiency and greater transparency in the relations with companies;
  • promote the dematerialisation of the purchasing cycle.

Our solution

To support the achievement of SUAM objectives through constant support to staff.

The results achieved

24 months

24 months

duration of the contract

over 20

over 20

the product categories managed

- more than 5000

tender procedures for the post-earthquake reconstruction

The areas related to the support of Martino & Partners at SUAM are:

  • planning and monitoring of compliance with the contractual obligations provided for in the SUAM purchase initiatives;
  • development of purchase and trading instruments;
  • verification of the levels of approval of the service by the Stakeholders (Member Administrations and Suppliers);
  • activation of sustainability models applicable in the purchasing processes for the entire Region Marche.

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