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Our specialized services dedicated to Public Administration

1. Support to the RUP for goods, services and works procurement

Martino & Partners supports the Contracting Authorities in the design and management of procurement for the acquisition of goods, services and works.

At Martino & Partners, the design of tenders begins with the correct definition of the tender strategy based on the contracting authority’s objectives.

The tender strategy consists of an analysis of public demand and an analysis of the supply market.

Analyzing public demand and the supply market helps define the technical and performance requirements, both minimum and rewarding, which promote maximum participation of the supply market in the tendering process.

The tender strategy aims to verify and define the tender limits, the contractual duration, the subdivision into lots and any participation and award limits in order to ensure maximum participation and competition for SMEs.

This approach allows to better define the award criteria to be used (price or MEAT with the relative weights) and the choice of the economic award formulas capable of encouraging / discouraging the economic aggressiveness of the offers.

This approach allows you to carry out all the assessments and analyzes necessary for choosing the correct contractor selection procedure in relation to the different thresholds and the type and complexity of the contract.

Martino & Partners assists the RUP (Responsible for Procurement) in drafting all tender documentation, incorporating the indications and needs expressed by the Contracting Authority

The administrative technical support covers the entire process of the tender procedure from:

  • acquisition of the CIG – Unique tender code – to verify the formal correctness of the draft provisions and minutes drawn up by the Contracting Authority
  • Publication of notices and calls for tender in accordance with current regulations, to administrative documentation (tender specifications, bid templates, contract outline); and technical documentation (including the special specifications) prepared based on the results of the bidding strategy (lots, access requirements, selection criteria, award formula).
  • letters of invitation, in the case of sub-threshold procedures pursuant to art. 36 until the drafting of the contract scheme
  • award of the contract execution procedure with the support of the Contract Execution Director – DEC.

Martino & Partners supports the Contracting Authority in the management and implementation phase of the tender, providing support for:

  • Publication and clarifications -analysis and processing of responses to clarifications requested by economic operators.
  • Evaluation of administrative envelopes – analysis of the administrative envelopes presented and verification of compliance with the tender documentation and requirements.
  • Instructional support and admission provision – in case of documentary deficiencies, preparation of request letters (as per art. 101of Legislative Decree no. 36/2023) and evaluation of any exclusion measures to be taken, including drafting of related acts.
  • Management of technical and economic envelopes – opening of the technical envelopes, also through the e-procurement platform, drafting of the appointment of the Commission, which must take place in compliance with the provisions of art. 93 of Legislative Decree no. 36/2023, opening of the economic envelopes, definition of the final ranking;
  • Anomaly evaluation – evaluations on the cost structure and the congruity with respect to the discount presented in the tender.
  • Access to documents – analysis of the access requests received, to the preparation of the documentation of response from the Contracting Authority to the request for access to the documents.
  • Awarding and stipulation – verification of the requisites also of morality of the successful tenderer and control of the requirements as required by Article 80 also through the AVCpass system of ANAC.

In the contract execution phase, Martino & Partners handles the preparation of extrajudicial opinions and management of the supplier in case of issues during contract execution.

Organization and management systems

Our profound knowledge of public administration and its functioning enables us to assist the Authority in defining and organizing its internal processes.

Martino & Partners provides support for the start-up and ongoing management of Single Procurement Stations (SUA) and Single Procurement Centers (CUC), for which we offer assistance in the creation or revision of Agreements and Regulations.

For individual Administrations, we offer support in the creation of organizational regulations and operational procedures for all stages of the procurement process (planning, management, and control).

We design supplier lists and rotation principle management mechanisms


2. Innovation tenders and PNRR projects

Specific competence center on innovative procurement. We offer strategic and operational consultancy on projects and initiatives related to PNRR

Innovation tenders

We are among the few companies and organizations in Italy that can boast direct and concrete experience in assisting Institutions in the design, management and execution of competitive dialogues and partnerships for innovation, also in English.

Martino & Partners guarantees technical, administrative and economic support to the Rup in all phases of the “life cycle”, from design, to market analysis, to the preparation of tender documents, to operational and negotiation development, up to support during the executive and institutional communication

In particular, we follow the contracting authority in the following activities:

  • organization of the market consultation in accordance with article 77 of the contract code
  • developing the tender strategy
  • drafting tender documentation (disciplinary, technical specifications, announcement, attachments)
  • configuring and managing the tender on telematic platforms
  • drafting of the clarifications during the tender phase
  • providing technical-administrative support and assistance during negotiation and dialogue phases.
  • drafting commission minutes
  • carrying out award activities such as evaluating abnormal bids and conducting award checks.
  • verifying and supporting the Contract Execution Director (DEC) in contract management.

PNRR projects

Martino & Partners ensures comprehensive and targeted strategic consultancy, project management, and operational support to leverage the financing opportunities offered by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) and, in general, by the complex array of European, national, and regional funds.

We guarantee support and assistance in researching and evaluating potential opportunities, tailored to the specific strategic and operational needs of the entity.

We work alongside in the “end to end” management of the process, providing for the drafting of the technical-economic feasibility project and the possible construction of public-private partnerships. Depending on the specific themes, our company can swiftly activate, based on its network of partners, companies, and specialized professionals, to assist in preparing the proposal.

Activities also include supporting offices in preparing all the necessary administrative documentation for the application (administrative declarations, resolutions, etc.).

The entity is then accompanied throughout the post-financing “execution” phase, and therefore in the design and management of the contracts or concessions necessary to implement the project and in the overall reporting activities.

3. Proposals for private initiative PPPs in project financing

In accordance with current regulations, particularly ANAC Guidelines No. 9, we provide comprehensive support to the RUP (Responsible for Procurement) in the overall examination of the PPP proposal pursuant to Book IV of the Contract code, from a legal, technical, and economic perspective, up to the declaration of public utility.

The main activities concern:

  • Technical analysis; technical feasibility analysis of the proposed solutions
  • Economic-financial analysis; analysis of the PEF (statement of assets and liabilities, income statement, cash flow) and the overall economic, financial and income sustainability;
  • Legal, administrative and contractual analysis; evaluation of the legal profiles of the proposed concession model, of the risk matrix assessment
  • Evaluation and / or support in the preparation of the PSC (public sector comparator) for the calculation of the value for money
  • Preparation and management of in-depth meetings with the proposer
  • Preparation of summary documents of the examination
  • Preparation of documents and deeds necessary for the formal declaration of “public utility”

As a rule, assistance is completed with support for the design of the subsequent public concession tender or competitive dialogue, through the drafting of tender documents (specification, contract, technical performance specifications, risk matrix, etc.) and subsequent management until the award.

Finally, the company guarantees support in the delicate phase of monitoring the execution, in order to constantly verify compliance with the concession contract and the transfer of risks.


4. Sustainability

Sustainable procurement integrates requirements, specifications, and criteria compatible with the protection of the environment and society as a whole. It encompasses various issues, such as child labor or the use of harmful chemicals that can compromise people or the environment.

We develop and analyze international, EU, and national best practices to promote a culture of sustainable governance, aiming to enhance environmental, social, and economic aspects through procurement.

Green public procurement – GPP -, sustainable procurement are topics that we are passionate about and to which we have been dedicated for some time.

Procurement of materials and semi-finished products, transport and distribution, use and disposal of products, are some key areas of the supply chain that in many cases collect significant shares of impact.

Environmental sustainability criteria and green criteria are incorporated into tender strategies through careful analysis of the most sustainable production and consumption models to ensure environmental, social, and economic standards necessary to achieve sustainability goals.

We draft sustainability plans for individual bodies and for larger and more complex institutions such as the Regions.

We offer specific services in developing policies and strategies necessary to steer organizational structure towards environmental and social transition, complemented by regulatory and jurisprudential research services.


5. Specialized training

Strategies for procurement, legislative changes, and updates on procurement codes, both below and above the EU threshold, e-procurement, and the use of procurement tools provided by Consip through the network procurement program, operational modes for using major e-procurement platforms in the market, and innovative procurement are some topics covered in the specialized training courses we deliver at national and international universities and public institutions.

The model of construction of the training offer is highly customizable according to the composition and skills of the participants: basic and advanced courses organized into modules with a practical orientation towards the topics covered.

Our instructors manage classroom training days by significantly integrating theory and practice. For practical aspects, we refer to in-depth studies, case analyses, best practices, exercises, and workshops where participants can collectively construct knowledge.

All training modules are accompanied by didactic materials to provide valid support to the learning process of the participants.

In addition to the provision of courses, Martino & Partners handles the evaluation of satisfaction and effectiveness of training courses.

Through satisfaction assessments, we gauge participants’ satisfaction levels in terms of the level of interest in the topics covered, depth of content presentation, contribution and expertise of trainers, clarity of explanations, and the relationship established between trainers and participants.

Through learning assessments we measure the effectiveness of the courses.

We evaluate training outcomes in terms of the level of learning achieved by participants using open-ended and/or closed-ended level tests administered before and after training sessions.

Martino & Partners provides its customers with the didactic secretariat that supports the client in the activities of inviting participants, registering attendance, sending questionnaires and preparing participation certificates.

We prefer face-to-face training but all courses are also delivered on the web through specialized distance learning platforms.

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